One on One Extension Course

 The one on one extension course is a course designed for a hands-on experience with Noel Hicks, to learn the foundations of an extension service and a detailed extension application. You will have a choice of 1 out of the 3 extension methods to be taught for your class.


Extension Methods Available:

  • Weft Extensions

  • Keratin Bond Extensions


Price : $1250 (includes extension tool kit)

Class Includes:

  • One on one training with mentor once a week for the 4 weeks. (4 hour class)

  • 1st Class includes hands on mannequin work, going over detailed application.

  • 3 Classes includes students to have live models, to do a hands on extension application.

  • Color Matching, Application help, and custom color training

  • Extension Supplies

  • Availability to contact mentor, through email or zoom calls. This allows students to go over any questions about the extension application for that week.

  • Elite Co. Extension Course Certification


Price: $850 (includes extension tool kit)

Class Includes:

  • One on one training with mentor for a 2 day class.

  • Day 1 includes mannequin work, going over detailed application.

  • Day 2 includes students to have live models to do a hands on extension application.

  • Color Matching, Application help, and custom color training.

  • Extension Supplies

  • Elite Co. Extension Course Certification